Highlighting Our Community Work Placement Graduates – Julie Lax

This month we want you to meet ACMM graduate Julie Lax! Julie has recently completed our Community Work Placement program where she ran a 6 week meditation program in Broome, WA for the community organization Broome Circle. In addition to being a meditation and mindfulness teacher, Julie is a registered nurse, child health nurse and […]

How meditation can enhance your sound healing sessions

The power of sound resonates deeply in all of us. Have you ever had the experience of hearing a song or sound, which without any planning or thinking, takes you right back to an event from your past? In arriving there, your emotions respond with a reflection of what was present for you at the […]

Highlighting Our Students & Graduates – Max Cook

This month we want you to meet ACMM Graduate and International Meditation Teacher Max! Max is an official Wim Hof Method instructor and breathwork practitioner who’s mission is about enriching lives with mindful practices which are playful, powerful and practical! In this blog Max shares how his personal suffering led him to meditation and how […]

Highlighting Our Community Work Placement Graduates – Jo Johnson

This month we want you to meet ACMM graduate Jo Johnson! Jo is a Mental Health Nurse and Yoga Teacher who has recently completed our new Community Work Placement program and ran a 6 week meditation program for elderly residents at Baptcare. Jo is also completing her Diploma in Guiding and Teaching Meditation and Mindfulness! […]

Highlighting Our Students & Graduates – Natalie Michels

This month we want you to meet ACMM graduate Natalie Michels! Natalie is the CEO of a manufacturing business and has now opened her own meditation studio where she teaches adults and children. In this blog Natalie shares how meditation supported her during health challenges and led her on a path to becoming a meditation […]

How deepening your connection to nature can deepen connection with yourself

This month we launch another new elective – Meditation for connecting with nature. This multi-faceted addition to our already comprehensive elective choices can be studied within our Certificate courses or as a standalone short course. Read on to find out more… Disconnection: A harmful product of our times Over the last two centuries, humans, especially those […]

Accidentally on Purpose – Our interview with Asher Packman

On Thursday evening 23 February we were blessed to have Asher Packman (President of Meditation Australia) join our Business Lounge LIVE webinar, sharing his journey and philosophy on life and business! Opening his soul and sharing his story vulnerably and with passion and poetry, Asher’s journey led him to create The Fifth Direction, a mythopoetic […]

Highlighting Our Students & Graduates – Paige Lyall

This month we want you to meet ACMM almost graduate Paige Lyall! Paige is a Disability Support Worker in Victoria who has her own Meditation and Personal Training business “Mind&BodyCo”! In this blog Paige shares her future plans and how meditation has supported her to decrease anxiety, be more present and be her own best […]

Overcoming Challenges to Share Meditation and Mindfulness in Your Community

Starting a meditation and mindfulness business can be challenging. You need to be knowledgeable and prepared to share your expertise with the local community. There are many difficulties you may encounter, but with the right resources and strategies, you can make it a success. ACMM’s post graduate Community Work Placement (CWP) program seeks to build […]

Discover the ways meditation can refresh your life in 2023!

Meditation can help you experience a renewed sense of clarity and peace in your life. It can help you to become more mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings and create a space for inner growth and development. With regular practice, meditation can help you to prioritise self-care, build more positive relationships, and increase your […]

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