
Feeling down? Uninspired? In need of some nurturing time for you but want some guidance and support? Enjoy this At Home Mini Retreat whenever and wherever suits you!

Often we instinctively know that we need restoration and renewal, but we don’t know what to do.

This At Home Mini Retreat enables you to enjoy the practices and teachings of an ACMM Day Retreat in your own time and space.

There is nothing better than creating a beautiful space to nurture yourself in your own home.

Find a special nook in your home where you can be alone for 4-5 hrs and immerse yourself in these beautiful experiences, or do a little at a time over several days.

ACMM Founder and Principal Lisa Forde will guide you through a series of full length meditation practices, talks, journalling activities and a beautiful full length relaxation that you will come back to over and over again.

In this experience:

  • Dig deep into what inspiration is and what it means to you.
  • Reach deeply into the inspiration that is already there within you and waiting to be seen, felt and heard.
  • Alternate sitting and moving practices so that those who have not been meditating for too long, will still be able to enjoy the day and get plenty out of it.
  • Draw inspiration from outside, with some powerful words, written over a thousand years ago and are more relevant than ever. Bring the wisdom and power of those words into our lives today – to help us re-member (which literally means to put ourselves together again) our own connection to the deep wisdom that lies within each of us.

The program contains a lengthy relaxation practice, moving meditation and drawing meditation.

It also contains space and prompts for personal reflection and journaling

All presented in a beautiful booklet for you to keep.

Come back to it anytime you want some guided inspiration and nurturing – and emerge refreshed and renewed!

At only $59, it’s less than half the cost of attending a live day retreat, and you can use the recordings forever.

Purchase now.


If you would like to learn more about the power of online retreats, checkout our blog: The Amazing Benefits of an Online Retreat

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