Highlighting Our Community Work Placement Graduates – Brea Willingham
We would love you to meet Brea, a mentor at ACMM and recent graduate of the Community Work Placement (CWP) program where she ran a 6 week meditation program for the residents at Bolton Clarke Fairways, Bundaberg – Retirement Living and Residential Aged Care.
Continue reading to find out about Brea’s experience sharing meditation and mindfulness with these local senior residents.
Hi Brea, tell us a little bit about yourself
I am a holistic health coach, helping people on their health, healing and personal development journey.
I am Diploma qualified in Meditation Teaching & Holistic Counselling, specializing in healing trauma through compassion, clearing energetic blocks, growth and self-awareness through personal development and better health through water education.
My passions are music, I sing and I am currently learning piano. I love dancing and nature, the ocean, my dogs, keeping fit, having deep and meaningful connections and conversations with like-minded people and of course, meditation! The Universe fascinates me and I love hearing about spiritual transformations that people go through. Personal development is important to me and that is why I love helping others on their growth and expansion journey too.
What attracted you to the CWP program?
I was instantly attracted to the Community Work Placement Program because it offered me an opportunity to expand my reach and spread the message of meditation and mindfulness to my wider community, possibly reaching people who I wouldn’t have been able to reach by social media advertising alone.
It allowed me to take my work to a broader audience and help more people.
How has the CWP program impacted you?
The first thing I noticed within myself, was a deep sense of purpose.
I felt so completely rewarded, being able to positively impact the lives of the elder generation who welcomed meditation with open hearts.
I feel I have given back to my community and it helped boost my confidence and expand my experience in working with a diverse group.
The participants learnt a different style of meditation each week and they continue to tell me how they now implement these techniques into their daily lives. This really does light me up.
Seeing the impact that this work has on people, truly is rewarding and has made me feel as though I’ve made a positive difference.
Tell us about your meditation business
I run my own holistic health business, with many different offerings, one being meditation and mindfulness sessions either in person or online. I like to tailor my sessions according to what the client needs. I work with all ages from kids through to seniors and offer parent and children sessions too.
I also now run regular group sessions for seniors, at a retirement village, thanks to the CWP.
What would you say to someone who is thinking about enrolling in the CWP program?
I recommend it wholeheartedly. It doesn’t matter if you are a new graduate or if you have a well-established meditation teaching business like myself, you can benefit from this program by gaining confidence, meeting new people, helping more people and getting out there in the community with your offerings.
The CWP is rewarding and beneficial for your own personal growth and gives your community the opportunity to experience meditation and mindfulness in a supportive group setting.
Kind words shared by the Manager at Bolton Clarke highlighting the wonderful work offered by Brea:
“Bolton Clarke always have the wholistic wellness of our residents at the forefront of our minds. This coupled with the fact that we always strive to provide new and exciting activities throughout our Villages and Residential Aged Care, saw this opportunity as a perfect match for us. The residents of the Village embraced the opportunity and have found it to be a calming experience that they truly look forward to. The Residents and our mindfulness leader Brea, have developed a beautiful relationship, one of which encourages a sharing of experiences and a feeling of trust throughout the group. I would truly recommend this to any organisation thinking about embarking on this mindfulness journey. It truly is a journey of discovery of self and others and an experience of pure joy for all involved. We thank ACMM for this wonderful opportunity!”
Brea’s contact details are below:
Brea Willingham
Bundaberg, Queensland
We provide a range of post graduate training options and support, including our Community Work Placement Program which supports new meditation teachers to begin or expand their teaching practice. Download a prospectus for all the details or book a discovery call with us here to find out more!