Natalie Opens Her Own Meditation Studio in Adelaide

Natalie Opens Her Own Meditation Studio in Adelaide

This month we want you to meet ACMM graduate Natalie Michels! Natalie is the CEO of a manufacturing business. She has now also opened her own meditation studio in Adelaide.  She teaches adults and children. In this blog, Natalie shares how meditation supported her during health challenges. It also led her on a path to becoming a meditation teacher. She has completed ACMM’s Advanced Certificate Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher Training. Natalie is also completing her Post Graduate Diploma with ACMM.

Continue reading to find out how Natalie shares meditation with her community.

Hi Natalie! Tell us a little bit about yourself 

Hi everyone. My name is Natalie Michels and I am a Mum of a 20 year old son and a 15 year old daughter. My husband Trevor and I own an electronics manufacturing business called Coiltek and we have worked together for the past 15 years. I wear the CEO hat in the manufacturing business and have found this incredibly challenging over the years as it is a male dominated industry. But the journey has been one of immense growth as we were thrown in and it was either sink or swim.

We have one labradoodle named Poppy who is my constant shadow, 3 exotic parrots who are fun, crazy and loud. I am fascinated by pelicans, love everything about them, their grace and nature.  I live and work in Adelaide and I have recently opened my own meditation studio.

What brought you to mindfulness meditation?

After being diagnosed with follicular lymphoma in 2014, mindfulness meditation was a valued support to my treatment plan and helped with navigating the ups and downs of my health and life.

Fortunately I am in full remission and have been for some years now. I realise that my daily practice was a deep source of comfort during and after the treatment. Learning to live with what had happened and noticing the changes in me were some of the benefits I received from my practice.

I met Tim James in 2020 and he introduced me to the wonderful ACMM community and college. I felt compelled to share the researched power of these contemplative practices for many years. So I made the fabulous decision to begin studying with ACMM in 2020. I have completed the Advanced Certificate with 3 electives and am close to the completion of the Post graduate Diploma. This has been so beneficial in so many ways. By helping me build confidence, to feeling assured that I have this supportive group of people who I can discuss and share my teachings with. I also have a Professional Certificate in Adolescent Counselling through Monash University.

Natalie meditatingWhat attracted you to become a meditation teacher and study with ACMM?

The encouragement I found to begin studying to become a meditation teacher came from digging deep with my own health journey. As well as my children’s mental health journeys. Living through these huge events and navigating our way with the help of  mindfulness techniques has made a profound positive change in my family’s life.

Making the decision to study with ACMM arose from recognizing that there is a real gap in society and the ‘system’. Especially when it comes to finding places or someone in person who can provide this type of regular teaching and facilitation. Having a formal qualification is important to me. This way, I can feel that I have a solid foundation to best support the people who enter my studio.

Can you tell us why you enrolled in the Diploma course and how this program has impacted you professionally?

The Diploma called to me as it offered genuine support and supervision as I stepped out into the world and begin professionally offering meditation classes as a supportive practice. Lisa and Lauren’s guidance has been so instrumental in assisting me gain confidence from writing my own classes, programs and when faced with unforeseen challenges.

The whole group of meditation students moving through the Diploma have been so willing and gifting of their knowledge and I have made some wonderful friends. When we support clients during their meditation journey it can be a deeply emotional experience and knowing that Lisa and Lauren have been guiding me and I can reach out when needed has in turn enabled me to support my clients with an even greater capacity.

I am also running children’s mindfulness classes and being able to confide in the Diploma group about any challenges or questions related to this has really lifted my offerings. Feelikng truly so grateful for the support and supervision through the Diploma. I would recommend it 100% for those wanting close guidance when beginning their meditation business.

How has meditation impacted you on a personal level? What are the benefits you have seen? 

The benefits have been numerous but the biggest is that I am more calm, present and aware. When faced with a stressful situation that can be triggering I can now recognize the sensations or feelings and allow them to just pass. Of course, this is a daily practice and I have my moments where this may not go to plan, but I reset and speak to myself in a much more kind and supportive way. To continue to grow my practice with a gorgeous Sangha, I attend Tim James’ weekly meditation class.

What does your personal meditation practice look like? What styles or types of meditation do you enjoy?

My practice is daily, early morning, where I am up before the house and it is quiet. I absolutely love Tara Brach and usually will listen to one of her practices which can run for 20-40 minutes. I mostly enjoy mindfulness practices. Afterwards I always journal as the inspiration is always there and I am most creative then.

Tell us about your new Meditation Studio, serving the Adelaide community

Natalie’s studio Alite Mind

Yes I have opened my own Meditation Studio. It is called Alite Mind Meditation and Mindfulness based in Adelaide. In the studio I run practices for adults 3 times a week and offer 2 children’s classes each week. I split my week 50/50 between the two businesses but give myself Friday as my day.

I am very passionate about offering fun, creative and interactive classes for children and teens. In their current world of electronics there is a constant desire for distraction and presence seems to be something they struggle with. Learning mindfulness techniques which can be called upon as needed for support will provide them with such an independent source of resilience.

What would you say to someone thinking of becoming a meditation teacher?

If this is something you are passionate about then walk through that door. There is such a huge need for more care and support out in the world and the rewards fill your heart. We get to live this life once and saying yes and taking that step may seem daunting but you will not regret it. Stepping outside your comfort zone and allowing yourself to bring share your LIGHT!

What have you enjoyed about studying with ACMM?

The care and support from all of the teachers and the willingness to share their knowledge. Also the understanding that life can sometimes create a speed bump and the need to re-navigate may be necessary and that’s all okay. The extensive choices with the electives were also something that attracted me as I did want to specialise in Mental health and well-being. I really enjoy being apart of the Business Lounge as I have learnt numerous tips and ideas which I have used in both of my businesses. I am very proud to be studying with ACMM.

You can find out more about Natalie’s offerings at:

Natalie Michels, Adelaide,

Meditation and Mindfulness Practitioner,

Alite Mind Meditation and Mindfulness Studio, Shop 4 1240 North East Rd St Agnes, Adelaide 5097.

We provide Teaching Certification right up to Diploma and Masters level training that includes supervision. A range of post graduate training options and support, are also available. Including our Community Work Placement Program and Business Lounge Program.  This supports new meditation teachers to begin or expand their teaching practice