
A monk journeys up to the mountain top to find enlightenment.
He stays there for 2 long years, all alone, meditating.

At last, he feels he has found peace and is ready to share it with others. He starts to make his way down the mountain again to re-join the village.

He gets to the base of the mountain, and comes across some villagers. They are so excited to see him. “Master! Master! What did you learn? How do we reach enlightenment?”

“Well..” he starts saying.

Then other farmers see the gathering and run up to him as well. “Master! Master! We want to hear! Tell us too. What did you learn?”

“It goes like this…” he starts saying.

Then the wives of the farmers see the crowd and bring their children over. “Master! Master! Please bless our children and tell us all you have learnt.”

“Yes, of course, what I was about to say was…”

The former students of the monk were about to make their usual weekly pilgrimage up the mountain to bring him food and spotted him. Overjoyed by the prospect of finally hearing his words of wisdom they shout over the top of the noise of the crowd, “Master! Master! Please! Us first! We have been waiting patiently for 2 years to hear what you have to share with us! Tell us! Tell us!”

Finally, the Master lost it. “OK!!!!” He shouted, stomping his foot angrily. “Just SHUT UP and I’ll TELL YOU!!”

He froze, looking shocked and surprised. Everyone had gone silent.

After a few moments, the master rolled his eyes looking exasperated, turned himself around and marched back up the mountain again.

(told to me by my teacher Alannah Dore)

We meditate, pray, stay active, journal and study, and then we enter the world of our interactions and relationships. What happened to all the peace and bliss?

Relating and relationships are rich soil for growth (containing lots of worms!) Let’s take time to be with ourselves and each other, to listen, meditate, grow, share and connect in a safe and supportive way, whilst we explore this fertile pot of triggers.

I invite you to engage in deep and illuminating practices that provide opportunities for insight, shifts and renewal in your relating and relationships.

This At Home Mini Retreat enables you to enjoy the practices and teachings of an ACMM Day Retreat in your own time and space.

There is nothing better than creating a beautiful space to nurture yourself in your own home.

Find a special nook in your home where you can be alone for 4-5 hrs and immerse yourself in these beautiful experiences, or do a little at a time over several days.

ACMM Founder and Principal Lisa Forde will guide you through a series of full length meditation practices, talks, journalling activities and a beautiful full length relaxation that you will come back to over and over again.

Lisa covers the following in this experience:

  • Relationships as an ongoing journey of evolution
  • How relationships help us heal old patterns
  • How we can use our meditation practice to tune into love and allow this to flow into our relationships
  • How to deepen intimacy through our relationship with our inner child
  • What to do when we find ourselves falling into extremes and drama – with special guest Elizabeth Mellor

All presented in a beautiful booklet for you to keep.

Come back to it anytime you want some guided inspiration and nurturing – and emerge refreshed and renewed!

At only $179, half the cost of attending a live multi day retreat, and you can use the recordings forever. Coaching calls are also available at an additional cost. Suitable for all meditation levels.

Purchase the Creating Loving Relationships Program now.

“ACMM online retreats are a treat to attend. Like minded people coming together for an interactive day of meditation and learning. Lisa leads with such inspiration and the people attending are a delight to be with.”
– Ed

If you would like to learn more about the power of online retreats, checkout our blog: The Amazing Benefits of an Online Retreat

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